Opening Hours


Clinic Opening Hours

If you would like to have your companion animal seen by us or place a medicine order over the phone, please do so during our normal opening hours.

Our normal opening hours are:

• Monday-Friday; 9:00 – 18:00
• Saturday; 9:00 – 17:00
• Sunday; Closed
• Bank and Public Holidays; Closed

Out Of Hours Service

We provide an Out of Hours service to all our clients.Should you need to use the Out of Hours service, please Ring: 025-33060 All of our Out of Hours calls are diverted to the vet on duty.If the vet on duty is out of coverage or is busy dealing with a sick animal, his/her phone will be diverted to their message minder where you can leave a message about your emergency. They will ring you back as soon as they can.

 Posted by at 1:08 pm